Baraa Sayed

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Hey there! I'm Baraa sayed, a recent graduate in computer science and a budding web developer with a love for Linux and open-source tech.

I've always been fascinated by the inner workings of the web, which led me to dive into coding. I'm particularly drawn to Linux and open-source software for their collaborative spirit and flexibility.

With skills in ReactJs, NodeJs, ExpressJs, and MongoDB, I'm eager to take on projects that challenge me to grow as a developer. Whether it's crafting responsive websites or exploring backend development, I'm always up for the task.

Outside of coding, you'll often find me experimenting with different Linux distributions or exploring new open-source projects. I thrive in environments where creativity and collaboration are encouraged.

I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to your projects and bring your digital ideas to life. Let's work together to make something awesome!


Backend Developer Intern

Feb 2024 - Aug 2023

  • Worked in developing the backend for mobile-app and admin panel using Nodejs/Expressjs and MongoDB using REST apis and AWS Cognito for user Authorization and Authentication

  • Managed Git throughout development, ensuring code integrity, and efficient collaboration with the Front-end developer

  • Engineered a dynamic and user-friendly form within the company’s application using JavaScript and CSS

Trainee Assistant Intern

Aug 2023 - May 2023

  • Assisted in teaching Python, HTML, JavaScript, Arduino and other Tools to kids and teenagers

  • Gained experience in working with a team, and expanded my skills in Web development through some projects




Developer Tools

In my internships I've got the chance to work with both Python and JavaScript for developing software, I'm currently learning go as it is an efficient language for building backend software, I'm an avid linux user and always in need of tools such as git, github, AWS or Digital Ocean



A fullstack social media website built with Auth React with Typescript and Chakra UI as component library for Front-end and ExpressTS and SQLite for backend


A Fullstack MERN app that can be used as a base Auth for any project using JWT and REST API

Wordle Clone

A clone of the famous wordle game built in ReactJS

Python chess game

An implementation of a chess game in python and the pygame library

Space Defender

A simple game built in OOP principles using JS and html5 Canvas